Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I got an email from Michelle Obama yesterday. That is no big deal! I was getting one from her or her husband, or other people in their campaign on a nearly daily basis. Since the election I get one closer to once a week. Informing me of what is going on in this transition period.

This letter was a little different. It principally was to wish me a blessed holiday season. But, it went on and reminded me that there will be many in America who will find it hard to have a happy holiday. Out of a job, no food on the table, maybe no place to sleep, She urged me to consider volunteering at a soup kitchen, or donating food for a food pantry, or contributing to the Salvation Army where so much good could be done. I get the impression that this was sincere, and that it gives some clue as to the direction our new administration is headed.

I don't know how this happens, unless maybe one of my conservative friends is playing a joke on me and submitted my name, anyway I got a snail mail letter from the RNC. It wasn't suggesting helping out anyone other than the RNC. They need money for the war chest for the 2012 campaign. I sent them a little note suggesting they take my name off their mailing list. The return envelope mentioned that if I added a stamp it would save the RNC the cost of the postage. What do you think I did?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Last Sunday I enjoyed the New York, Carolina game. I was not pulling for either of the teams. I, like John Madden, was not just happy for the winning team, but sorry for the losing team.

Coming out of watching this game and many other, both professional and college, I notice something that doesn't make any sense to me. Can someone clear this up for me? Many if the players wear a narrow, what appears to be elastic band around their arm just above the elbow. These bands range from 1/2 inch to one inch wide. Some even appear to be circular bands maybe no more than a 1/4 inch in diameter. What do the players accomplish by wearing these bands? Can anyone enlighten me on this matter?