Tuesday, September 2, 2008


It was approximately two years ago that I first ran into the word “vett”. I more or less got a vague idea of its meaning from the context in which it was used. Nowadays you run across the word constantly, thanks to McCain’s choice for a VP running mate.

One Sunday after the service I was in the Fellowship room having a cup of coffee when I saw George Harper with his cup. Pretty much on the spur of the moment I said to George I have seen the word “vett” on the news lately and don’t know its meaning. George is a retired English professor, and for our Calvin Comment used to have a monthly essay on a particular word. If anyone should know the meaning, George would. He said, “Bob, vet is a shortened version for a word describing an animal doctor.” You can see how smart George must have thought I was!!


Bruce S said...

Isn't a 'vet' someone with a lot of experience?

robert settergren said...

That too.