Thursday, September 25, 2008


I suppose I spend too much time following current affairs,
and particularly the presidential campaign goings on.I pretty
much know where my evaluation has lead me in the
choice of a candidate. One thing I am absolutely sure of,
however, is that Sarah has a better pair of legs than Joe, and
yes, also Hillary.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


I hate to keep harping on this, but Johnny Miller just drives me nuts. Today, on the Ryder Cup Matches, one of the European players hit a poor shot that was short and to the right of the green. Johnny Miller stated without qualification that he hit the ball one groove too low. Please tell me how he could know that by watching his swing on a TV monitor.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I really have moles!!! This is right outside my patio door. Getting ready for digital TV and phone service.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


It was approximately two years ago that I first ran into the word “vett”. I more or less got a vague idea of its meaning from the context in which it was used. Nowadays you run across the word constantly, thanks to McCain’s choice for a VP running mate.

One Sunday after the service I was in the Fellowship room having a cup of coffee when I saw George Harper with his cup. Pretty much on the spur of the moment I said to George I have seen the word “vett” on the news lately and don’t know its meaning. George is a retired English professor, and for our Calvin Comment used to have a monthly essay on a particular word. If anyone should know the meaning, George would. He said, “Bob, vet is a shortened version for a word describing an animal doctor.” You can see how smart George must have thought I was!!